Welcome to all of the faithful in the Southend Area contemplating joining the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham
The journey has well and truly begun my friends! Fr Keith Newton, our former Bishop and now Ordinary of The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham in England & Wales, is along with The Rt Rev Thomas McMahon, Bishop of Brentwood, very excited about the prospect of our shared mission to proclaim the faith once delivered to the Saints to the people of Essex as part of the Ordinariate!
Our Ordinariate group is a lively mix of explorers from churches in the Southend area, Hockley and South Benfleet...it's not a secret!!! We meet on Tuesday evenings 7.30pm at Kilnfield House, Foundry Business Park, Station Approach, Hockley, SS5 4TW where the Parish Priest of the RC parish of Rochford & Hockley is presenting the 'Evangelium,' RCIA course. Great fun, terrific teaching, wonderful fellowship, along side our RC brothers and sisters who join us each week to support and encourage us in our process of discernment.
Much has been published in the press and on the www -even the TV news, some of which is well wide of the mark! Our group is not at all interested in media publicity or tedious church politics. We are driven by the truth of the Gospel and share a sincere longing to become part of a global Christian family - namely the Catholic Church. If you are singing off of the same hymn sheet and would genuinely like to find out more, you can contact me by e-mail: fatherjeffw@gmail.com but please...no time wasters, anti-papists, or press!
Next Evangelium meeting: Tuesday 8th February 7.30pm.
Whilst all this is going on I remain an Anglican Parish Priest, totally committed to serve the people of Hockley as their Vicar with sincerity and love, as does my colleague at South Benfleet! We thank the Bishop of Chelmsford for his pastoral sensitivity and prayerful understanding of the discernment process in which we and some of our people are engaged. Only God knows where all this might lead?
Hang on to the Roller Coaster folks!
Ave Maria, gratia plena, dominus, tecum, benedicta tu.