
Showing posts from June, 2017

Sunday 25 June

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Masses 8.30am  Sung at 10.15am Evening 6pm St Peter's Catholic Church SS9 4BX - Home to the Southend Ordinariate Mission Be Not Afraid:  Scott Hahn Reflects on the Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time Download Audio File Readings: Jeremiah 20:10-13     Psalm 69:8-10 ,  14 ,  17 ,  33-35 Romans 5:12-15    Matthew 10:26-33 Our commitment to Christ will be put to the test. We will hear whispered warnings and denunciations, as Jeremiah does in today’s First Reading. Even so-called friends will try to trap and trip us up. For His sake we will bear insults and be made outcasts—even in our own homes, we hear in today’s Psalm. As Jeremiah tells us, we must expect that God will challenge our faith in Him, and probe our minds and hearts, to test the depths of our love. “Do not be afraid,” Jesus assures us three times in today’s Gospel. Though He may permit us to suffer

Sunday 18 June 2017

The Solemnity of The Body and Blood of Christ - Corpus Christi Masses 8.30am    10.15am Sung concluding with Procession and Benediction 6pm Evening Mass St Peter's Catholic Church Eastwood Parish, Leigh on Sea SS9 4BX Word of the ‘Living Father’: Scott Hahn Reflects on the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ Readings: Deuteronomy 8:2-3 ,  14-16 Psalm 147:12-15 ,  19-20 1 Corinthians 10:16-17 John 6:51-58 The Eucharist is given to us as a challenge and a promise. That's how Jesus presents it in today's Gospel. He doesn't make it easy for those who hear Him. They are repulsed and offended at His words. Even when they begin to quarrel, He insists on describing the eating and drinking of His flesh and blood in starkly literal terms. Four times in today's reading, Jesus uses a Greek word—trogein—that refers to a crude kind of eating, almost a gnawing or chewing (see  John 6:54 , 56 , 57 , 58 ). He is testing

Sunday June 11th

The Most Holy Trinity Masses 8.30 am  10.15am-Sung  Evening 6pm St Peter's Catholic Church SS9 4BX How God Loves:  Scott Hahn Reflects on Trinity Sunday Readings: Exodus 34:4-6 ,  8-9 Daniel 3:52-56 2 Corinthians 13:11-13 John 3:16-18 We often begin Mass with the prayer from today's Epistle: "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the Communion of the Holy Spirit be with all of you." We praise the God who has revealed himself as a Trinity, a communion of persons. Communion with the Trinity is the goal of our worship—and the purpose of the salvation history that begins in the Bible and continues in the Eucharist and sacraments of the Church. We see the beginnings of God's self-revelation in today's First Reading, as He passes before Moses and cries out His holy name. Israel had sinned in worshipping the golden calf (see Exodus 32). But God does not condemn them to perish. Instead He proclaims His mercy an

Sunday 4th June 2017

PENTECOST SUNDAY Masses - 8.30am   10.15am-Sung  Evening 6pm St Peter's Catholic Church SS9 4BX A Mighty Wind: Scott Hahn Reflects on Pentecost Sunday Readings: Acts 2:1-11 Psalm 104:1 , 24 , 29-31 , 34 1 Corinthians 12:3-7 , 12-13 John 20:19-23 The giving of the Spirit to the new people of God crowns the mighty acts of the Father in salvation history. The Jewish feast of Pentecost called all devout Jews to Jerusalem to celebrate their birth as God's chosen people, in the covenant Law given to Moses at Sinai (see  Leviticus 23:15-21 ;  Deuteronomy 16:9-11 ). In today's First Reading the mysteries prefigured in that feast are fulfilled in the pouring out of the Spirit on Mary and the Apostles (see  Acts 1:14 ). The Spirit seals the new law and new covenant brought by Jesus, written not on stone tablets but on the hearts of believers, as the prophets promised (see  2 Corinthians 3:2-8 ;  Romans 8:2 ). The Spir